RTSS 2021 Industry Session
Topic: Industry Challenge: Scheduling Real-Time Computation system on Autonomous Vehicles
- Nan Guan, City University of Hong Kong
- Benny Akesson, ESI (TNO) & University of Amsterdam
- Zheng Dong, Wayne State University
- Nan Guan (Session Chair), City University of Hong Kong
- Shaoshan Liu, PerceptIn
- Mario Günzel, Niklas Ueter, TU Dortmund University
- Xu Jiang, Northeastern University, China
- Fei Guan, Northeast Forestry University, China
- Jinghao Sun, Dalian University of Technology, China
- Chu-ge Wu, Beijing Institute of Technology, China
- Ashrarul Haq Sifat, Virginia Tech
- Sen Wang, Virginia Tech
- Robin Hapka, TU Braunschweig
- Zhe Jiang, ARM & University of York
RTSS 2021 Industry Session adopted a new form. It first issued an open call to industry challenges/problems, and then called for solutions from academia researchers, and was finally wrapped up by the Industry Session at RTSS 2021.
The challenge problem was proposed by PerceptIn, a rising company producing autonomous robots, especially autonomous vehicles. The problem is to design scheduling policies and analysis techniques for a “cause-effect graph” to meet three types of timing constraints. In total 9 solutions from academia were submitted, all invited to the RTSS 2021 Industry Session. The Best Solutions Award selected by PerceptIn is grant to the solution titled “Toward Real-Time Guaranteed Scheduling for Autonomous Driving Systems” authored by Jinghao Sun, Tianyi Wang, Kailu Duan, Bin Lu, Jiankang Ren, Zhishan Guo, Guozhen Tan.
RTSS 2021 Industry Session Webpage: http://2021.rtss.org/industry-session/
RTAS 2021 Industry Panel
Topic: RTOS for Autonomous Machines
Moderator: Nan Guan, City University of Hong Kong
- Shinpei Kato, Associate Professor, The University of Tokyo Founder and CTO, Tier IV, Inc.
- Andrei Kholodnyi, Principal Technologist, Wind River Systems
- Shaoshan Liu, CEO, PerceptIn
- Jan Staschulat, Research Engineer, Robert Bosch GmbH
- Rich West, Professor, Boston University
Insightful discussions on two topics: (1) research challenges and opportunities for RTOS for autonomous machines and (2) the “Android” for autonomous vehicles. Upon agreement of the panellists, the panel discussion was fully recorded (link of full text record).
RTAS 2021 Industry Panel Webpage: http://2021.rtas.org/panelist/
Video Record: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VYUWwUHMcj4
Text Record: https://cmte.ieee.org/tcrts/wp-content/uploads/sites/180/2021/12/RTAS-2021-Panel-Text-Record.pdf
The “Android” for Autonomous Vehicles, SIGBED Blog, June 2021, https://sigbed.org/2021/06/24/the-android-for-autonomous-vehicles/